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Are you using YuJa to upload and share videos or other media? Use the following links to jump to the desired step in the process.
- Log In to YuJa
- Access the Manage Media Menu
- Upload Media Files
- Drag & Drop Files to a Window
- The Add Media Window
- File Processing
- Share the Video
- Share the Video in Blackboard
- Share the Video's URL Anywhere
- Share the Video Within YuJa
1. Log In to Yuja
- Go to and click the Login button in the upper right corner of the page.
- Sign in with your NDUS.identifier (just firstname.lastname) and password (same as Blackboard).
- OR you can click any YuJa link in your Blackboard course to open YuJa and be signed in automatically. (This is not recommended if you will be uploading larger videos. If you try to upload a video inside of Blackboard and the process/connection fails, go to the UND YuJa website and upload it directly, instead.)
2. Access the Manage Media Menu
- Once you're logged in, click Manage Media – this will open your Media Library - My Media page. Proceed to step 3A or 3B – both have the same result, so you can use whichever one you prefer.

3. Upload Media Files
To upload your video files, you have two options: please see secition A or B below. The Drag & Drop option allows you to upload one (or a few) videos quickly and easily. If you have multiple files, or if you need to select from a few different folders on your computer, you may wish to upload with the Add Media menu instead (see section B, below). The Add Media menu is a simple way to upload one or more files and customize captioning and publication options all in one step.
A. Drag & Drop Files to Window
- On the My Media page: Drag and drop files from your computer's desktop or file browser to this window. The upload will begin automatically.

B. The Add Media Menu
- On your My Media page, click Upload.

- This will open the Add Media window, where you can:
1- Select the desired file type (what you're going to upload - image, video, document, etc).
2- After choosing the file type, click Browse to choose one or more files from your computer or local storage. Select the file, then click Open to start the upload, copying them from your computer to your cloud storage folder in YuJa. You may select multiple videos at once by holding Shift or Ctrl while you select the files. You can also make selections about Publishing, Captioning and Tags directly from the Add Media window.
Note: Larger files may require up to two hours processing time before they are available for use.

Supported File Formats Include: wmv, .asf, .wma, .flv, .f4v, .f4a, .avi, .mp3, .mpg, .mpeg, .mps, .ps, .mp2, .m2v, .m2a,.ts, .tsv, .tsa, .mts, .m2ts, .mod, .tod, .mp4, .m4a, .m4v, .3gp, .mov, .mts (AVCHD), Flash video, .webm, .mxf, .dv
4. File Processing
- When you click Start Upload, YuJa will display the following progress indicators:
1- A pop-up window will show the file upload status.
2- After the upload is complete, YuJa will prepare the file(s) for streaming – multiple versions of the file are created to allow playback on different devices. The video thumbnail will be greyed out with a 'Processing' message to indicate that YuJa is currently ingesting the file. This usually takes just a few minutes, but may take up to a few hours for particularly large media files.

5. Share the Video
If you would like to share the video with another user in YuJa or your instructor in Blackboard, you have a few different options. Please see the descriptions below, then click the link or scroll down to the corresponding section for more information.
- Share the Video in Blackboard - There are two options for sharing videos in Blackboard:
- Direct Embed - You can embed the video into any Blackboard content area that contains a Text Editor box, like discussion boards and assignments. The appearance of the posted video will depend on the creator's role in Blackboard: Instructor-posted videos will be playable inside of that content area, so other users can view it without leaving Blackboard. Student-posted videos will appear as a link that will open the video in a new window or tab, outside of the Blackboard content area.
- Publish to Course Channel - Each course has a corresponding channel in YuJa. You can 'publish' any video to the course channel, so everything will be visible in one place. Instructors can create a course channel link in their Blackboard course's menu to simplify access to the YuJa content.
- Share the Video's URL Anywhere - Copy the URL from the video in YuJa, then share that anywhere else you can share links, like email, text message, etc. Recipients don't need to have a YuJa account to view the video, but they will need to click the link to open and watch it on the YuJa media player page.
- Share the Video Within YuJa - This allows you to grant access to another YuJa user, so they have full, edit, or read access to your file. Depending on the level you chose before sharing, they may be able to edit, share, or delete the file.
A. Share the Video in Blackboard (two options: Embed and Publish)
Option 1: Direct Embed (Only for Instructors and Teaching Assistants)
- Log in to Blackboard, navigate to the desired course, and open the content area where you would like to share the video. For students, this may be a post inside of the Discussion Board, or the upload page of an assignment. For instructors, this may be inside of the 'Build Item' set-up page.
Note: You can add a YuJa video almost anywhere you see the Blackboard Text Editor.
- In the Text Editor, click the '…' (ellipses) icon to expand the top menu, if needed. In the bottom row of icons, you will see a '+' (plus) icon. Click that, and a pop-up menu will appear.

- In the pop-up menu, scroll down and select UND YuJa CIM Tool.

- In the new pop-up menu, scroll down and select the video you would like to share – after you click/select the video, it will be surrounded by a blue box. Then click Insert Content in the bottom-right. NOTE: You may need to scroll down using the outer-right scroll bar to see this button.
Windows - Click/select your video, then click Insert Content. To see the Insert Content button, scroll down using the outer-right scroll bar.

Mac - Click/select your video, then click Insert Content. To see the Insert Content button, scroll down using middle scroll bar. If it's not visible, hover over the area on the right edge of the window and scroll to make it appear -or- change your settings to always display scroll bars: Apple menu > System Preferences > General > Show scroll bars > Always.

- You will be returned to Blackboard's Text Editor. A video thumbnail will appear in the main text window. The link text will match the video's title in YuJa by default, but it is also editable. You can also add text above or below the video, or edit other content on the page, like the Subject. When you are done, click Submit (in the bottom-right corner of the page) to save your changes and post the video.

- Your video is now accessible to other users in your Blackboard course! The embedded video will appear in the course content area you chose, and users can play it without leaving the page. If you're not ready to share the video with the class, you may hide the content item in Blackboard.
Option 2: Publish to a Course Channel
B. Share the Video's URL Anywhere
- Go to and click the Login button in the upper right corner of the page.
- Sign in with your NDUS.identifier (just firstname.lastname) and password (same as Blackboard).
- OR you can click any YuJa link in your Blackboard course to open YuJa and be signed in automatically.
- Once you're logged in, click Manage Media – this will open your Media Library - My Media page.

- Locate the desired video and hover over its thumbnail. A menu should appear over the image.
1 - Click More... to open the video's settings menu.
2 - Click the link icon in the menu on the left edge of the Media Details window.
3 - Click the copy icon to the right of the Direct Link field – this will copy the video's URL to your computer's clipboard.

- Navigate to the application, site, email, etc. where you would like to share the URL. Click the text field, then right click and select 'paste' [or use Ctrl+V (PC) or Command + V (Mac)] to insert the YuJa file's URL into the text. Any recipient will be able to click the link to open the video and play it in the YuJa media player, unless you have restricted access in the video's settings. Viewers will not need a YuJa account, unless you have changed the video's security settings. Please see YuJa's help page for more information about security settings.
C. Share the Video Within YuJa
YuJa's Share feature allows you to grant an individual (or a group of users) access to your media files. This is different from simply sharing a video link, because you can specify the level of access you'd like to allow and the video will show up automatically in the other user's account.
- Full/Edit Access is great for collaborative projects; it grants the other user permission to change or add to your video using YuJa's built-in video editor.
- Read Access can be used to turn in an assignment or to share your video with a classmate who also uses YuJa.
Note: users must have a YuJa account to access shared files.
To share your media with other users:
- Find the desired video on your My Media page.
- Hover over its thumbnail and click Share.
- Under 'SHARE WITH', enter the other user's name – they must have a YuJa account, and their name will be pulled up from the list of available users.
- From the drop-down menu, select the level of permissions to grant that user:
Full- Allow the user to access/view, make changes, and delete media.
Edit- Allow the user to access/view and make changes to the media, but not delete it.
Read- Allow the user to access/view the media only.
- When you’ve completed your selection for the first user, click Share. Then you can add more users or click Save to complete the process.

- Now the selected user(s) can access your shared file from their own YuJa account. They will need to log in and navigate to the Shared With Me page – all videos that have been shared with them will be accessible here. Their interaction with the file depends on the level of access granted by the owner. With full access, they can use YuJa's tools to edit the video, but read access only allows them to watch the video.

- Content owners can view all of their shared files in one place: the Shared With Others menu (accessible from the menu on the left). Owners retain the ability to change the other user's access level or remove all permissions.

For more information about sharing files with internal vs. external users, please see YuJa's help page.