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YuJa is a great tool for students and instructors to upload video lectures/assignments to share with the rest of the class.
The YuJa Software Center may encounter an error where the underlying services stop running. This error requires the services to be restarted to allow a YuJa recording to upload.
This article explains how to view and edit your personal profile information in Blackboard.
Installation, update, and setup instructions for Respondus. Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Blackboard Learn.
For instructors and students: How to launch the YuJa Software Capture application from within Blackboard, set up and create a recording, and share it in any Content Area, assignment, discussion board, or any other area with a text editor inside of your Blackboard course.
Blackboard Grade Center has an export/import feature which will produce a downloadable, specially-formatted spreadsheet that can be used to work on grading while you are offline. When you are finished editing the grades in that local file (using Excel), you can save your changes and import the document back in to the Grade Center in order to sync your updates/edits from offline over to the online Grade Center.
This article covers the process to download students' assignment submissions/files: individually or in bulk. Local files are useful if you would like to mark them up in another application (Word) or if you will not have access to a reliable internet connection while grading. You may also wish to use this feature to archive submissions for later use. The article also covers the process of adding grades, comments, and uploading marked-up files to the Grade Center, so students can review them.
A guide to content management for YuJa users: upload content, edit existing content, manage available storage space (downloading & deleting content), and view storage quotas.
Exam publishing instructions for Respondus. Respondus is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be printed to paper or published directly to Blackboard Learn.
Common issues with YuJa can be addressed using common troubleshooting steps.
To eliminate potential double entry of Grade Center data, you can perform offline grading and import grades into the Grade Center. You can also upload grades from external sources such as an Excel spreadsheet or a comma-separated values (CSV) file. You must format data specifically to upload correctly and to synchronize with existing Grade Center data.

You can also use Grades Journey to save and share grade information for individual courses and assignments if your institution uses this featu
How to save files to OneDrive online.
There are a couple ways to upload files to Teams. Once you upload a file, you can also share a link to it. That way, you don't have to upload multiple copies of the same file to share it in different places.