Blackboard Ultra File Submission Assignment - Known Issue & Solution


For file submission assignments in Blackboard Ultra: When students attempt to submit multiple files, some of them may fail to attach. This may be caused by uploading a second document while the first file's conversion is still in progress.

A screenshot of a Blackboard assignment page, with an upload (and file conversion) in progress. 


Students must wait for the 'Conversion in progress' message to disappear before uploading their next document.

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Please contact the instructor to have them clear or ignore the attempt in Blackboard.
Blackboard has a file size limit of 2560 MB.
This article covers the process to download students' assignment submissions/files: individually or in bulk. Local files are useful if you would like to mark them up in another application (Word) or if you will not have access to a reliable internet connection while grading. You may also wish to use this feature to archive submissions for later use. The article also covers the process of adding grades, comments, and uploading marked-up files to the Grade Center, so students can review them.
Steps to check that your assignment has been submitted in Blackboard.
Steps to find submitted student assignments in Blackboard.
Return to the page where you originally submitted this assignment. Click on the link to the assignment. In the submission history, check the date/time of your submission. This is proof you submitted your assignment, and the instructor would have this information as well.
You can allow students to submit more than one attempt for an assignment.

Multiple attempts can help students stay on track, raise the quality of assignments, and ultimately improve student success and retention. Students can submit drafts and earn credit on improvements. Inform students which assignments allow multiple attempts, and what the expectations and grading policies are for each attempt.
Steps to submit your Blackboard assignments.
You can only submit a SafeAssign assignment once. If you want to edit, delete, or resubmit a SafeAssign assignment, contact your instructor and request that they clear your first submission. Please note that there is a file size limit of 10MB. If your submission is larger than 10MB, SafeAssign won't be able to process it.