Fix a student assignment file that I am not able to open

Return to the page where you originally submitted this assignment. Click on the link to the assignment. In the submission history, check the date/time of your submission. This is proof you submitted your assignment, and the instructor would have this information as well.

If you do not see a date/time, then you did not Submit the assignment. Saving the assignment as a draft does not send it to the instructor. The instructor does not see saved assignments, only submitted ones.

If the instructor has a record of your submission, but is unable to open or view a file you attached, then do the following:

  • Check that you do not have any special characters, such as # @ $ % & , . and spaces in your file name. Keep your file names short, no spaces, and use only letters and numbers.

  • For example, instead of naming a file Chapter #1 homework, name it Chapter_1_Homework. Underscores in file names are permitted. Always comply with any special naming conventions requested by your instructor.

  • Make sure there is an extension at the end of your file name, such as .rtf, .doc, .htm., .pdf, etc. This is especially important on Macs, which generally do not display file extensions.

  • Save your files in formats requested in the instructions. If in doubt, save your files as Rich Text Format (.rtf). This format is a Save As option in word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word, and can be opened by most word processors.

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