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This article contains instructions for instructors to combine multiple course sites into a single merged Blackboard course. This simplifies course management, as everything can be accessed in one place. Instructors may submit a request to combine multiple course sections into one Blackboard site here:
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- Blackboard
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Add a co-instructor or teaching assistant to a Blackboard course.
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- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
Yes, Blackboard is available for UND groups and organizations.
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- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
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- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
You can allow students to submit more than one attempt for an assignment.
Multiple attempts can help students stay on track, raise the quality of assignments, and ultimately improve student success and retention. Students can submit drafts and earn credit on improvements. Inform students which assignments allow multiple attempts, and what the expectations and grading policies are for each attempt.
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- Blackboard
- Instructors
Steps to find submitted student assignments in Blackboard.
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- Blackboard
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Return to the page where you originally submitted this assignment. Click on the link to the assignment. In the submission history, check the date/time of your submission. This is proof you submitted your assignment, and the instructor would have this information as well.
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- Blackboard
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You can control when your course is private—or unavailable—to your students. For example, you may not want students to access your course while it is under construction.
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- Proctoring (UND Proctoring System)
This article lays out the steps that instructors can follow to configure Honorlock in their class and enable it for any Blackboard-based exam.
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- Teaching and Learning
- Proctoring (UND Proctoring System)
Honorlock is a leading remote proctoring solution that uses 'Live Pop-in' technology, combining AI (Artificial Intelligence) with live remote proctors. Students can start an exam at any time without the need to schedule time with a proctor. When the student begins their exam, the Honorlock/Blackboard integration will automatically input the exam password (hidden from the student). Honorlock actively monitors the live proctoring session and creates a recording that instructors may review later.
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- Creating Digital Presentations
- YuJa
Exam Proctoring ensures the security of student exams taken from remote locations. Exam Proctoring also allows the instructor to provide tools to record video. The Proctor Recorder also ensures that the recording is only securely allocated to a centralized instructor folder which will avoid distribution of the exam recording by the student.
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- Blackboard
- Instructors
You can control when your course is private—or unavailable—to your students. For example, you may not want students to access your course during the building process.
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- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit for grading. Compatible with Mac and Windows.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit for grading. Compatible with Mac and Windows.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
By default, Bb exam questions and answers appear to students in the same order that they were created or added to a test. This article explains how instructors can set questions/answers to appear in a different, random order for each student or attempt -or- pull a set number of random questions from a Pool.