All courses are created in Blackboard and set to unavailable by default until one week prior to the start of a new semester when they will automatically be made available for preview week. The instructor and students, as listed in Campus Connection, are automatically enrolled. The courses are available for you, the instructor, to use to build your course.
To request to have one of the following actions completed for your Blackboard courses, please complete a Blackboard request form.
- Combine sections of your course (course merge)
- Import content from a previous term
- Add a Teaching Assistant or Grader
- Request an Under Development site to work in for an upcoming semester
CAUTION: When completing a merge or import content request, please do not make changes in the course until you have been notified that your request has been processed. Then, review the course to remove any duplicate menu items or content that may have been created due to imported content or the customized template.
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