Request a Blackboard Site to Manage Your Advisees

Yes, you can have an Organization site in Blackboard dedicated to working and communicating with your advisees.

A Blackboard My Advisor Site to communicate with your advises as a group, or individually can contain information specific to your degree, and be a quick resource for frequently-asked questions. Inside this site, you can provide resource links, a blog where students may provide background information or check frequently-asked-questions, and a calendar for students to schedule appointments (see below).

To request a My Advisor site:

  1. Log into Blackboard.
  2. Click on Institution Page scroll to the UND Blackboard Support Module.
  3. Click on the Blackboard Request Form link.

  1. Log in with your NDUS.Identifier and password (the credentials you use to log in to Blackboard).
  2. Select Request Organization Site.
  3. When entering your Community Title, you may wish to name the site: My Advisor: First Lastname
  • In the Purpose of Site text box, enter the reason for the site along with instructions to use the MyAdvisor Template to include standard advising information and links.
  • In the length of time needed text box, enter an estimated number of years.


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