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    This article provides resources for instructors to assist it making their content accessible.
    A description of a known issue in Bb Ultra courses: Students' file submissions may fail to attach/upload when completing an assignment. This article outlines the solution.

    Written PDF exams within the College of Engineering & Mines may use ProctorU for proctoring. Please verify with your instructor to find out if your course will use proctored exams in PDF format. Students need to have the equipment listed here in order to take an online exam in PDF format with ProctorU, and must have this equipment ready and tested prior to taking the exam.
    Learn to use the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to write on PDF documents from a touch-screen Windows-based device. Use a stylus, your finger, or a traditional mouse to write notes, take exams, or create a digital signature.
    How to use Blackboard's Ally feature to improve the accessibility of your course content.
    A guide to content management for YuJa users: upload content, edit existing content, manage available storage space (downloading & deleting content), and view storage quotas.
    It is important to keep in mind that accessibility is not a feature to be added after the design of your content. It is a set of principles to be considered throughout the design process.
    Print Selected Pages of a PDF File Using Acrobat or Reader
    uniFLOW allows users to scan documents from compatible devices across campus and have them sent to their email inboxes.
    Three ways to convert PDFs into Microsoft Word documents.
    Steps to convert a Word file to a PDF.
    This article walks through how to add the uniFLOW "My Queue" widget to your dashboard.
    Short instructions to save and open the .pdf form for making changes to your W-4.
    Steps to open a file with a non-default windows program, and how to always open with another program.
    Use your iPhone or Android smartphone/tablet to scan printed documents or whiteboard notes.