Windows/PC Instructions
Many programs, such as Microsoft Word, already have the option to save as a PDF built in.
- Within the program, click on File from the program menu and select Save As.
- Select a location to save your file, enter a file name and then click the drop-down arrow next to Save As Type to view a listing of file formats. Select PDF if available.
- You may also wish to save the file as another file format for future editing purposes.

Info! For programs that do not have the option of saving as a PDF, such as Office 365 email, "Microsoft Print to PDF" can be used to save a file as a PDF using the Print function. To use this feature in any program, go to File then Print and select the Microsoft Print to PDF from the listing of available printers, then click Print.
Mac Instructions
All Macs automatically have the ability to print as a PDF from any program.
- Select File and Print or click the printer icon in any program. Click the PDF button in the lower left corner and select Save as PDF.
- Enter a title in the Save As field and then specify where you would like to save your file.