Enabling YuJa Proctoring in your Blackboard course

Exam Proctoring ensures the security of student exams taken from remote locations. Exam Proctoring also allows the instructor to provide tools to record video. The Proctor Recorder also ensures that the recording is only securely allocated to a centralized instructor folder which will avoid distribution of the exam recording by the student.

Enabling Proctoring in a Course Channel

In order for the Proctor Recorder to appear as an option for students in your course, Instructors need to enable the Proctor setting within their respective courses. You only need to follow these steps once for each course:

  1. Navigate to your Blackboard course and click on the YuJa menu item in your course -or- go click Tools to open the Tools list, scroll down, and select the UND YuJa tool. Both methods will take you to YuJa.
  2. Once in YuJa, Click on the YuJa Main Menu (the 'waffle' icon in the top-right of the window - see red arrow below) and select Courses and Groups from the dropdown menu.
    YuJa waffle icon
  3. All of your courses will be listed in the Available Groups menu on the left. Select the course where you want to enable proctoring – this will highlight its name in blue and display the course settings on the right.
  4. On the correct course's settings page, click the Edit Option (pencil icon - top/middle of the screen). You will see a screen similar to the image below.

  5. Under the section to Enable Proctoring, select the button next to Yes (see blue box in image above).
  6. Click Save.

Proctoring is now enabled for any exam in this course. You don't need to change anything in the Blackboard exam settings or do anything else to enable proctoring for each exam. Just notify students that YuJa Proctoring is required for any given assessment, and they can follow this process to start the proctoring/recording software before they take the exam in Blackboard, as usual. They will need to download the YuJa desktop software and follow the instructions from that page to initiate the recording, so you may wish to paste that link into your exam requirements or instructions, so they can prepare. After they use this process to take their exam, the recording will upload to the instructor's YuJa account in the 'My Media' collection (not accessible to students). Just log in to YuJa and go to Manage Media > 'Proctor Sessions' to review all student recordings. You can find more information about YuJa Proctoring here.



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Article ID: 87173
Tue 9/17/19 11:51 AM
Mon 4/22/24 1:49 PM

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