Enabling YuJa Proctoring in your Blackboard course


Exam Proctoring ensures the security of student exams taken from remote locations. Exam Proctoring also allows the instructor to provide tools to record video. The Proctor Recorder also ensures that the recording is only securely allocated to a centralized instructor folder which will avoid distribution of the exam recording by the student.


Please note that YuJa Proctoring will no longer be available as of June 2025.  In order to use YuJa Proctoring until that time, students must use the 'legacy' version of the YuJa Recorder. Please see our Knowledge Base article to download and install the correct version.


How to Access Your YuJa Course Settings + Enable Proctoring

By default, students do not have access to use YuJa Proctoring for any of their courses. If instructors would like to use Proctoring in their course(s), they must manually enable it in each course's settings (on the YuJa webpage). This will allow students access to the Proctoring option for the rest of the semester, or until it is disabled by the instructor. This process will only need to be completed once for each course:

  1. Log in to YuJa using one of the following processes:
    • Go to the YuJa website, click 'Log In' (in the top-right), and sign in using your UND credentials
    • Or navigate to your Blackboard course and click on the YuJa menu item in your course
    • Or go click Tools to open the Tools list, scroll down, and select the UND YuJa tool.
  2. Click on the Main Menu button ('waffle' icon in the top-right of the window - see screenshot below) and select Courses & Groups from the dropdown menu.A screenshot of the YuJa 'Manage Media' page, with a red arrow pointing to the YuJa 'waffle' (Main Menu) icon in the top-right corner of the page. 
  3. This will open your Courses & Groups dashboard page. In the menu on the left edge of the page, all of your courses will be listed. Select the course where you would like to enable proctoring, then click the Edit button (pencil icon).A screenshot of the YuJa 'Courses & Groups' page, with a red arrow pointing to the Edit button (pencil icon). 
  4. In the 'Edit Your Course' menu, for 'Enable Proctoring', click Yes, then click Save to confirm. Proctoring is now enabled for any exam in this course.A screenshot of the YuJa 'Edit Your Course' pop-up window. To the right of the 'Enable proctoring' setting, a red arrow points to the 'Yes' option. 
  5. Repeat the above process for each of the courses where you would like to use YuJa Proctoring.

For Each Exam

  1. By following the process above, proctoring has been enabled for all of the exams in this course. You don't need to change anything in the Blackboard exam settings or do anything else to enable proctoring for each exam.
  2. To use YuJa Proctoring, just notify students that it is required for the specific exam. Then, students must follow this process to launch the proctoring software and start the recording session before they take the exam in Blackboard. They will need to download the YuJa desktop software and follow the instructions from that page to initiate the recording, so you may wish to paste that link into your exam requirements or instructions, so they can prepare.
  3. After they use the correct process to take their exam, the recording will upload to the instructor's YuJa account in the 'My Media' collection (not accessible to students). To view your course's recordings: Log in to YuJa > click Manage Media (in the top menu) > 'Proctor Sessions' folder > (course's name/number) folder > all of the students' recordings will appear here. YuJa will automatically name each file using the student's name, and will sort them into folders according to their submission date.A screenshot of the YuJa home page. A red arrow labeled '1' points to the 'Manage Media' link (in the top menu). A second red arrow, labeled '2' points to the 'Proctor Sessions' folder (lower on the page). 


If a student's recording does not appear in your Proctoring Sessions folder, this may be because:

  1. The student used the regular YuJa recording process rather than the specialized Proctoring process. The regular process will not send the recording to your folder — please contact us to move it to the correct location. If you would like to student to redo the exam, they may contact us for assistance with exam set-up and YuJa configuration.
  2. The student may have selected another course when beginning the proctoring session. If this is the case, the recording was uploaded to the incorrect location — please contact us to move it to your course's folder.
  3. The student may have used the Proctoring process, but the recording did not upload correctly. Please direct them to our Knowledge Base article with troubleshooting tips for students.



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Article ID: 87173
Tue 9/17/19 12:51 PM
Mon 12/30/24 4:54 PM

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