Blackboard Exam: How to view date/time and duration of students' activity

If you would like to see how much time has elapsed since it a student began their exam, or if you would like more detailed information about their activity inside of an assessment, please follow the steps below. For an overview of student activity data, please see Blackboard's help page.

  1. In the Full Grade Center, click the grey circle/arrow that appears next to the student’s grade (or next to the blue 'clock' icon, if their attempt is still in progress). From this drop-down menu, select View Grade Details.Screenshot of a Blackboard course site's Full Grade Center page. A student's exam score/cell is selected to open drop-down menu with the 'View Grade Details' option circled in red. 
  2. On the Grade Details page, click View Attempts.Screenshot of a Blackboard course, showing the instructor view of the Grade Details page for one student. A red arrow points to the 'View Attempts' button, near the top of the page. 
  3. On the attempt view page, just below the student's name at the top of the page, click Test Information to expand that section.Screenshot of a Blackboard course, showing the instructor view of a specific attempt submitted by a student. A red arrow points to the 'Test Information' link inside of the top menu bar. 
  4. Here, you can view the total time elapsed, start date/time, and submission date/time. To see more detailed information about this session, click Access Log.Screenshot of a Blackboard course showing the instructor view of one student's exam submission. The 'Test Information' panel has been expanded, and some of the information contained there is circled in red: total time elapsed, start date/time, submission date/time, and an 'Access Log' link (which is further accentuated with a red arrow). 
  5. The Access Log for this attempt will open a pop-up window. It provides a detailed record of the session, including the date and time of the student's activity: test start, question saves, submission date/time, and time spent on each question. Note: The 'time spent' on each question should be considered an estimate, as students may return to previous questions before answering their current one.Screenshot of a greyed-out Blackboard course page, with a pop-up window containing an exam submission's 'Access Log'. The log comprises a table, listing the date/time of the student's activity: test start, question saves, submission date/time, and time spent on each question.



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