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Audience: Instructors
How to identify and bulk download your videos and media currently housed on YuJa – archive on OneDrive or save locally for later use.
This article for students and instructors explains how users can choose which course's notifications they get, as well as the format they receive them in.
You can access the NEW calendar from the Ultra Base Navigation menu (the main menu, outside of your courses, seen immediately after login) -or- access the CLASSIC calendar from the Tools menu inside any of your courses. The new calendar has an improved user interface, but you may opt to use the in-course calendar. Please see this article for more information about using both versions.
Instructions for students and instructors: How to access the Course page and navigate to your courses in Blackboard, view information about your courses, search and filter courses by term and course role, and customize your view of the Course page using the settings.
Each student's exam attempt has a corresponding 'Test Information' page with detailed access/interaction information: total time elapsed, start date/time, and submission date/time. For more details, see the Access Log (accessible from the same menu). This tool includes the date/time of the student's activity in an exam: test start, question saves, submission date/time, and (approximate) time per question.