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- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
This article covers the process to download students' assignment submissions/files: individually or in bulk. Local files are useful if you would like to mark them up in another application (Word) or if you will not have access to a reliable internet connection while grading. You may also wish to use this feature to archive submissions for later use. The article also covers the process of adding grades, comments, and uploading marked-up files to the Grade Center, so students can review them.
- Knowledge Base
- Applications and Software
- Campus Connection
Import final grades into Campus Connection from any Blackboard course accurately, quickly, and easily with Grades Integration. Just click 'import grades', and the final grades from a specialized column in your Blackboard course's gradebook are automatically sent to Campus Connection, where you may review and approve them.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Instructions to view and grade by question (rather than by student) in a Blackboard Original course's Grade Center. This process: saves time, allows you to concentrate on the answer for one question across all submissions, lets you see how all students responded, allows you to provide immediate feedback about how the group performed on that particular question, and allows you to easily adjust the score for a specific question (for all or many students).
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
This article explains the different types of feedback available in Blackboard and provides a walk-through of how students can access them.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Steps to course copy Grade Center from one course to another.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Steps to organize columns in Grade Center.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
In Blackboard, every gradable item has a corresponding column in the Grade Center. To delete columns, the matching items must also be deleted. Alternatively, instructors can temporarily hide columns from themselves (in the Full Grade Center) and/or from students (in My Grades). Please follow these steps to change column visibility.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
How to view two students side-by-side in Grade Center.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Assigning a grade can be done directly in a Grade Center cell or from within the Grade Details page.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Steps to give feedback on graded items.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
How to overwrite an existing grade in a Blackboard course (available to Instructors, Teaching Assistants, and Graders). When a grade is changed, the new data is automatically incorporated into existing weighted, total, and calculated grade columns — and an entry is made in the grade history.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Blackboard Grade Center has an export/import feature which will produce a downloadable, specially-formatted spreadsheet that can be used to work on grading while you are offline. When you are finished editing the grades in that local file (using Excel), you can save your changes and import the document back in to the Grade Center in order to sync your updates/edits from offline over to the online Grade Center.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
In the Grade Center, three types of columns appear: user, calculated, and grade. Each column has a menu with options. The options that appear vary depending on the type of column.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
How to hide a Grade Center column from students.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Whenever you want to add another layer of fairness and impartiality to your grading, you can use the anonymous grading feature. You won't know who made the submission, so you aren't unduly influenced by a student's previous performance, class participation, conflicts, race, gender, or perceived student aptitude. This practice can also contribute to the student-instructor relationship because students are assured that grading was unbiased.