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    Blackboard's Test Availability Exceptions settings allow you to provide accommodations to individual users or specific groups, such as: multiple attempts, timer customization, auto-submit toggle, and extended test access dates/times.
    How to overwrite an existing grade in a Blackboard course (available to Instructors, Teaching Assistants, and Graders). When a grade is changed, the new data is automatically incorporated into existing weighted, total, and calculated grade columns — and an entry is made in the grade history.
    Each student's exam attempt has a corresponding 'Test Information' page with detailed access/interaction information: total time elapsed, start date/time, and submission date/time. For more details, see the Access Log (accessible from the same menu). This tool includes the date/time of the student's activity in an exam: test start, question saves, submission date/time, and (approximate) time per question.
    On the Grade Details page, you can view a student's attempts and grade history, assign and edit a grade, and clear and exempt grades.