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    Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal money. Cybercriminals can do this by installing malicious software on your computer or stealing personal information off of your computer. More often than not, phishing messages follow a standard framework that can be easy to spot if you now what you’re looking for.
    Instructors may follow these steps to enable SafeAssign (an automatic plagiarism scanner) for any written assignment in Blackboard.
    For students submitting a SafeAssign-enabled assignment: This article explains how you can view your submission's SafeAssign Originality report (option available only if enabled by the instructor).
    This KB gives instructions on how a host can get an attendance report for a meeting they have conducted.
    Each student's exam attempt has a corresponding 'Test Information' page with detailed access/interaction information: total time elapsed, start date/time, and submission date/time. For more details, see the Access Log (accessible from the same menu). This tool includes the date/time of the student's activity in an exam: test start, question saves, submission date/time, and (approximate) time per question.
    Blackboard's Statistics Tracking feature allows instructors to view detailed access/usage statistics for selected content items in their course. This feature must be manually enabled in the settings of each content item you would like to track. It may be turned on after students have already interacted with the item, but the report will not include their previous activity.
    You can run several types of course reports to view information about course usage and activity. You can view summaries of course usage such as which course areas are used most frequently and course access patterns for specific students.