View instructor feedback on a SafeAssignment

SafeAssign is a tool that allows your instructor to evaluate Blackboard assignment submissions' plagiarism risk, but it can also be used by students to ensure that all references are properly cited. When you submit a document in Blackboard, SafeAssign can be used to compare your document to other text online (and within SafeAssign's database) to find content matches and produce report identifying the duplicate sections.

Note: SafeAssign's default settings only show the report to instructors. If instructors would like to allow students to view their own reports, they must enable that feature in the assignment settings: under the assignment's drop-down menu > Edit > Submission Details > check the box for 'Allow students to view SafeAssign originality report for their attempts'.

All students have access to try the SafeAssign tool, even if it is not enabled for their regular assignments/submissions. Please see the Submit an Assignment using SafeAssign article for more information about how you can generate a SafeAssign report for your paper without submitting it for grading.


View Your SafeAssign Report:

  1. Submit your Blackboard assignment using the link in your course site, and click OK on the confirmation page.
  2. Still inside of your Blackboard course, locate and click on the assignment link that you just used to submit the document.
  3. This will open the assignment's Review page, where you can preview your submission in the browser. In the menu on the right, click SafeAssign to expand that section, then click View Originality Report.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. This will open a copy of the originality report, where you can view information about your submission from SafeAssign:
    • View Report Summary - Click to see your paper's plagiarism risk rating and overall similarity level, including average and highest match percentages.
    • Sources:
      • Included Sources - lists textual matches found elsewhere online, highlights each instance in a unique color within your document, and links to the original text's location.
      • Top Sources - breaks the above sources down into percentages
    • The document name, word count, submission date, and a unique ID number are displayed on the top/bottom menu bars.

More Information

SafeAssign Overview - Our Knowledge Base article, providing a general introduction to SafeAssign for instructors and students, includes an explanation of the benefits offered by the 'Global Reference Database' option.

How to Read the Originality Report - See the bottom section of this page for the official guidelines for the interpretation of SafeAssign scores/percentages.



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