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- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
Steps to find submitted student assignments in Blackboard.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
Your instructor can add assignments to different areas of your course. You might access assignments from a link on the course menu called Assignments. Or, your instructor might incorporate assignments into each week's content. Ask your instructor if you have questions about how your course is organized.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
An introduction to Simple Syllabus for instructors. Use the online editor to build customized syllabi for all of your courses.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
For students submitting a SafeAssign-enabled assignment: This article explains how you can view your submission's SafeAssign Originality report (option available only if enabled by the instructor).
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- The Grade Center
Blackboard Grade Center has an export/import feature which will produce a downloadable, specially-formatted spreadsheet that can be used to work on grading while you are offline. When you are finished editing the grades in that local file (using Excel), you can save your changes and import the document back in to the Grade Center in order to sync your updates/edits from offline over to the online Grade Center.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
- Instructors
The Performance Dashboard shows you all types of user activity in your course or organization. All users enrolled in your course are listed, including instructors, students, teaching assistants, graders, observers, and guests, with pertinent information about each user's progress and activity.