SafeAssign is a tool that protects against plagiarism by checking the content of student submissions against a database of existing documents, including everything from published papers and articles to student work that has been previously submitted. Instructors may decline to add submissions to the database if they will be using SafeAssign to check drafts containing content that will later be submitted by the same student. Links to check your draft, including the one in the Student Resource Course, will allow multiple submissions, but most SafeAssign links that you see in class will only allow for one submission, which will be included in the database of resource documents for future scans. Please ask your instructor for more information about assignment requirements.
Submitting an Assignment using SafeAssign
Students can submit their SafeAssign assignment just like a regular Blackboard assignment:
- Log in to Blackboard, and navigate to the course where you need to submit the assignment.
- Inside of the desired Blackboard course, locate the assignment link and click it to open the submission page.
- On the submission page, browse your computer for the file, select, upload, and submit.
- After the document has been processed, students may be able to review their originality report (if this setting has been enabled).
Try it Out - Check Your Own Paper Anytime
The example below will show you the non-graded option, where you can try SafeAssign out with unlimited submissions. This submission link is great for checking drafts from other courses – documents submitted here will not be added to the database, so you will not be penalized for any similarity to past versions of the same paper. Note: this is not a 'real' assignment submission link – the Student Resource Course is a demonstration course, a no-stakes environment where students can experiment and become familiar with the academic technology used at UND. Documents submitted here will not be sent to your instructor, and will not have an impact on your grade. Only you will review the report.
- Log in to Blackboard, click the 'Courses' link in the menu on the left, and click the Student Resource Course link. All students at UND are automatically enrolled in this course each semester, so the end of the course title may change to reflect that.

- Inside of the Student Resource Course, in the Course Content menu, click
You can only submit a SafeAssign assignment once. If you want to edit, delete, or resubmit a SafeAssign assignnment, contact your instructor and request that they clear your first submission. Please note that there is a file size limit of 10MB. If your submission is larger than 10MB, SafeAssign won't be able to process it.

- On the course menu, select the link where SafeAssign assignment is located, for example, Assignments.
- On the Assignments page, look for the SafeAssign option and select View/Complete.
- On the Upload SafeAssign assignment page, optionally, type your comments in the Comment box.
- Browse to select a file to attach as your submission.
- Optionally, select the Global Reference Database check box to upload your paper to the Global Reference Database.
- Select Submit.
After you submit SafeAssign assignments, a slight delay occurs between the upload and the availability of the SafeAssign report. Results are normally available within 10-15 minutes.

Reviewing Originality Report
Below is a video provided by Blackboard that covers how to review and interpret the SafeAssign Originality Report.