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    Gradescope is an assignment and exam creation platform that integrates seamlessly with your course in Blackboard. Instructors can choose from a wide variety of assessment types (administered online or in-person). After submission, instructors can use Gradescope's advanced feedback tools to provide a thoughtful analysis quickly and efficiently, and sync the evaluation with the Blackboard course site's Grade Center. This article provides an introduction to Gradescope for instructors and students.
    Instructions to view and grade by question (rather than by student) in a Blackboard Original course's Grade Center. This process: saves time, allows you to concentrate on the answer for one question across all submissions, lets you see how all students responded, allows you to provide immediate feedback about how the group performed on that particular question, and allows you to easily adjust the score for a specific question (for all or many students).
    This article explains the different types of feedback available in Blackboard and provides a walk-through of how students can access them.
    Vevox is an easy-to-use platform that allows for the creation and deployment of polls, simple surveys, as well as allowing participants to submit questions to a Q&A board during sessions.
    Vevox allows you to create a live poll or quiz that can be inserted into any PowerPoint presentation, creating a dynamic learning environment that students will remember. Please see this article for information about getting started and links to video demos of the product's features (including AI and interactive tools).
    Each student's exam attempt has a corresponding 'Test Information' page with detailed access/interaction information: total time elapsed, start date/time, and submission date/time. For more details, see the Access Log (accessible from the same menu). This tool includes the date/time of the student's activity in an exam: test start, question saves, submission date/time, and (approximate) time per question.
    You can change the possible points awarded for answering questions correctly in two ways. For both ways, new grades are recalculated for all previously submitted tests.
    The content editor is a platform-independent WYSIWYG editor based on TinyMCE and licensed as Open Source under LGPL from Moxiecode Systems AB. The content editor has a large number of new and enhanced features and serves as a replacement for the old text editor.