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    How to download and install the YuJa app for Mac, PC, and mobile devices.
    After your video has been created, you will need to deploy it to your Blackboard course. There are several options for deploying your recording: YuJa Media Chooser, CIM Tool, Course Channel, & Embed Code/Direct Link URL.
    YuJa is a video platform that allows users to host video content and record video lectures that can be used as part of curriculum deployment.
    This guide explains how to set up a YuJa Proctoring session, with step-by-step instructions for recording your exam.
    The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is an all-in-one video experience to securely create, manage, discover, collaborate, and live stream video content across any device, at any time. This article contains instructions and resources for students to get started using YuJa.
    Archived YuJa recordings can be restored by accessing the video under My Archive in the left navigation of YuJa's My Media area. Users can hover their cursor over the desired video and click Restore. Recordings should be accessible after the restoration process completes in 2-4 days, depending on current processing load of the archive storage service.
    The YuJa Software Center may encounter an error where the underlying services stop running. This error requires the services to be restarted to allow a YuJa recording to upload.
    For instructors and students: How to launch the YuJa Software Capture application from within Blackboard, set up and create a recording, and share it in any Content Area, assignment, discussion board, or any other area with a text editor inside of your Blackboard course.
    You can add files, images, audio, and video when you create content in your course. For example, in discussions, you can browse for a media clip from your computer or your course's file repository: Course Files or the Content Collection.
    Links to various tutorials on how to edit Yuja videos.
    Zoom is a cloud-based videoconferencing and collaboration platform. With Zoom you have the flexibility to create virtual classrooms and invite students to join from their desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Students can also share content from their devices such as PowerPoint presentations, and YouTube videos.  Zoom is available to all faculty, staff, and students for academic purposes.
    Provides instructions for making Zoom recordings available to users that are not logged into their Zoom accounts.
    Instructions for students on how to publish YuJa recordings to a course channel.
    The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is an all-in-one video experience to securely create, manage, discover, collaborate, and deliver video content across any device, at any time. This article contains resources for faculty getting started with YuJa.
    Audience: Instructors
    How to identify and bulk download your videos and media currently housed on YuJa – archive on OneDrive or save locally for later use.