YuJa Archive Restoration

YuJa Archive Information

Cloud storage on YuJa is limited — to help us manage the available space, items stored on YuJa but not in regular use may be subject to our regular archive process. Please see the information below to learn more about which items are selected, and how instructors can restore their files to active storage, if needed.


The YuJa archival process occurs approximately six weeks after the end of each semester.


Content may be archived if it meets the following requirements:

  • Instructors' media: Recordings that have had no views for two years will be moved to archive storage. 
  • Students' media: Recordings will be kept for the duration of the semester in which they were recorded plus one additional/full semester. 
  • Proctoring Recordings: After the end of every semester, all YuJa proctoring recordings from that semester will be moved to archive storage.

Additional Notes:

  • Notification: Instructors whose media has been archived will receive an email notification. If you would like to restore any of the affected recordings, please follow the instructions below.
  • Links: When recordings are moved to archive storage, any links that point to them will break. This includes links from your Blackboard course to specific videos. However — if you restore your content, the links will be repaired automatically.
  • Permanent deletion: All student and instructor recordings that have been moved to archive storage and have not been restored to active content will be permanently deleted after one year of being in archive storage.  All YuJa proctor recordings that have not been restored to active content will be permanently deleted after three months of being in archive storage.  After that time, those recordings will no longer be available to be restored.

Restore Your Content from YuJa Archive

Users can restore content to its previous location in My Media by following the steps below.

  1. Log in to und.yuja.com, and click the Manage Media link at the top of the page. This will open a page containing all of the media files that you own.
  2. On the Manage Media page, click on the Himalayas Archive folder to see all of your media that has been archived.
    A screenshot of YuJa, with an arrow (labeled '1') pointing to the 'Manage Media' link at the top of the page, and another arrow (labeled '2') pointing to the 'Himalayas Archive' folder below. 
  3. In the Himalayas Archive folder, locate the item you would like to restore, hover over its thumbnail image, and select Restore to move it to your active storage. The file will return to its original folder, and any existing links will function correctly again.A screenshot of YuJa, inside of the 'Himalayas Archive' folder. A red arrow hovers over a video thumbnail, so its 'Restore' option is visible. 
    If you have many items to restore, you can also click and drag to select multiple, or click MORE ACTIONS > SELECT ALL to select everything on the current page. Then click MORE ACTIONS > BULK RESTORE to return items to active use. All of the files will be returned to their original folder location.A screenshot of YuJa, inside of the 'Himalayas Archive' folder. A red arrow (labeled '1') has clicked and dragged, highlighting three videos at once. Another arrow (labeled '2') hovers over the 'MORE ACTIONS' > 'BULK RESTORE' menu. 
  4. The recordings will be restored to your My Media content. Please note that the restore process may take as long as two to four days, depending on the current processing load of YuJa's archive storage server.

For more information about the archive restoration process, please see YuJa's help page, or see our YuJa overview page for more UND-specific information.


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