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    After your video has been created, you will need to deploy it to your Blackboard course. There are several options for deploying your recording: YuJa Media Chooser, CIM Tool, Course Channel, & Embed Code/Direct Link URL.
    Archived YuJa recordings can be restored by accessing the video under My Archive in the left navigation of YuJa's My Media area. Users can hover their cursor over the desired video and click Restore. Recordings should be accessible after the restoration process completes in 2-4 days, depending on current processing load of the archive storage service.
    YuJa recordings are stored in the recording owner's folder in YuJa instead of being tied to a specific course. There are multiple ways to link YuJa recordings within a Blackboard course, you add a Course Channel and then Publish the videos to the appropriate course channel.
    Information on allowing downloads for all recordings published in a Course Media Channel, removing the need to individually activate downloads on recordings.