Blackboard Login Problems + Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Please confirm that the user is using the correct username and password to log in. For most users, this should be their firstname.lastname (do not include '' at the end) with the same password as your Campus Connection/email.
  • When did the user register? Once registered for semester-based course, it may take two business days for the user to be enrolled in the corresponding Blackboard course site. 
  • Is the user a new faculty/staff member? New faculty members who are teaching a course that is listed in Campus Connection will be added to the associated course in Blackboard automatically. It is recommended that they check Campus Connection to see if they are listed as the instructor of the course. If the user is not listed as the instructor of record there, that could be because: their account has not been created -or- their account has been created, but they have not yet been added to a course. Instructors they may need to reach out to their department, who can work with the Registrar's office to ensure that the correct steps have been followed to add them to the course.

Important Dates

  • By default, courses are automatically made available to students 1 week before the start of term.
  • Enrollments are pulled several times a day from Campus Connection into Blackboard throughout the term.
  • New staff members are added in batches throughout the semester.
  • For enroll anytime (independent study), non-credit courses, and certain programs that have an alternate start date, the timing of Blackboard access may be different from that of semester-based courses.


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