Blackboard user roles

Course Roles

  • Instructor - provides access to all areas of the course including the control panel for posting content, making users available/unavailable, posting grades, and making the course available/unavailable.  This role is generally assigned to the person developing, teaching, or facilitating the class.

  • Teaching Assistant - provides access to everything included with the instructor role, except changing a users availability.

  • Course Builder - has access to most areas of the course. This role is appropriate for an assistant who shouldn't have access to student grades.If the course is unavailable to students, a course builder can still access the course.

  • Grader - The Grader role has limited access to the course. Graders can assist an instructor in the creation, management, delivery, and grading of assessments and surveys. The grader may also assist an instructor with adding manual entries.  If a course is unavailable to students, the course appears in the course list for a user with the role of Grader. 

  • Student - this is the default course user role. A user with the role of Student submits coursework and participates in discussions. Students can't create or grade course items.

  • Guest - provides access to areas in the course designated by the instructor, excluding the control panel, and is unable to view student interactions or post to blogs, wikis, or discussion board.

Organization Roles

  • Leader (Same as Instructor role in courses) - provides access to all areas of the organization including the control panel for posting content, making users available/unavailable and making the organization available/unavailable. This role is limited to current university faculty or staff employees. This role is generally assigned to the person developing, teaching, or facilitating the organization site.

  • Assistant (Same as Teaching Assistant role in courses)- provides access to everything included with the Leader role, except changing a users availability.

  • Organization Builder (Same as Course Builder role in courses)- has access to most areas of the course. This role is appropriate for an assistant who shouldn't have access to the grade center. If the organization is unavailable to participants, a course builder can still access the organization.

  • Grader - The Grader role has limited access to the organization. Graders can assist a leader in the creation, management, delivery, and grading of assessments and surveys. The grader may also assist an leader with adding manual entries.  If an organization is unavailable to participants, the organization appears in the organization list for a user with the role of Grader. 

  • Participant  - (Same as student role in courses) -  this is the default organization user role. A user with the role of Participant submits coursework and participates in discussions. Participants can't create or grade organization items.

  • Guest - provides access to areas in the organization designated by the leader, excluding the control panel, and is unable to view participant interactions or post to blogs, wikis, or discussion board.

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