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    Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from an Apple Mac.
    Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from an Apple iPhone or iPad device.
    Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from an Android phone or tablet device.
    Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from a Windows PC.
    Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from a Chromebook laptop.
    Step-by-step instructions show how to join the encrypted "UND Protected" wireless network.
    If you are unable to access Library resources online, please contact a librarian. You can find contact information on the Chester Fritz Library Ask Us page.
    A complete guide to getting all your accounts and tech ready for your first semester at UND.
    An index of common problems with YuJa (including regular recordings + proctoring recordings) and the recommended troubleshooting steps.
    This guest wireless network is intended for campus visitors that do not have an NDUS account and need wireless access for a limited amount of time. You must register for guest access before logging in. Guests are required to authentication every day.
    An affiliate account may be needed if an individual is not part of the University but needs access to resources for an extended amount of time (over 7 days).
    Use this guide to check your Ethernet Services to use ISE protected Ethernet ports.
    Eduroam allows educators to use their home campus username and password to access Wi-Fi from any eduroam hotspot throughout the United States. When a faculty, staff or student from UND attends any campus throughout the US who has eduroam enabled, they can easily access wireless using their current username and password.