Blackboard Wikis: Create, Add & Delete

Create a Wiki Topic

To get started with wikis, instructors must first create an overall wiki topic that will contain the individual pages created by students. Please follow the steps below to create a Topic page, or see the Bb Wiki page for more information about the pages' layout and organization.

  1. In your Blackboard course, in the Course Content menu (on the left), navigate to Control Panel > Course Tools > Wikis > then select Create Wiki.
  2. Enter a topic name and instructions (optional), and make the wiki available to students.
  3. To restrict access by date/time, you may use the Display After and Display Until toggles. Display restrictions don't affect the wiki availability, only when the link appears to students.
  4. Configure Student Access (can change it later / at any time):
    • Closed to Editing: This is a good option if you will be the only one to contribute pages. You may also wish to select this option when you're ready to start grading students' wiki contributions, to prevent page edits while you work. Course members are still allowed to view wikis that are closed to editing.
    • Open to Editing: Allows course members to modify any wiki page inside of this topic. In a group wiki, you must be a member of the group to edit its wiki pages.
  5. In the Wiki Settings section, select an assessment schema. You may choose either:
    • No grading required for participation in this topic.
    • Or enable grading and enter the total Points Possible (must be a whole number). This will automatically create a corresponding column in the Grade Center and mare this wiki as permanently gradable (so you can not change it to 'No Grading' later).
      Optional: To simplify grade management, you may check the box for 'Show participants in needs grading status', then select the number of pages required for each person. If you apply this setting, the '!' (Needs Grading) icon will appear in the Grade Center (and a notification will appear in the queue) when students have completed the minimum pages you set as required. If students have completed one, but not the required total of pages, an 'In Progress' icon will appear in their grade column. Please see Blackboard's help page for much more information about grading wikis.
  6. Optional: Add a rubric.
  7. Click Submit.

Create Wiki Pages

After the main Wiki topic has been created, the instructor or students may create individual pages inside of that topic.

  1. On the Wikis listing page, click on the wiki's title to open its home page.
  2. On the wiki’s main topic page, in the top menu, click Create Wiki Page.
  3. Enter a title and add text/media to the main body of the page. This is a good place to provide a description or instructions, or create an example wiki page for students to reference later.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Submit.

Delete a Wiki Topic or Page

Instructors may delete an entire wiki/topic, or individual pages within any wiki, but students do not have this ability.
IMPORTANT: Deletion is permanent and irreversible.

  1. On the Wikis listing page, open a wiki's menu and select

  2. In the pop-up warning, select 'OK' to proceed. If grading was enabled for the wiki, a 'Delete Confirmation' page will appear. You have two options:

    • Retain Grade Center Information (do not check any boxes): The wiki will be deleted, but the Grade Center column and any scores you have assigned are retained. If you choose this option, and delete the wiki while retaining its Grade Center column, you can always manually delete the Grade Center column later.

    • Delete Grade Center Information (select items to delete using the check boxes): The wiki and its associated Grade Center column will be deleted at the same time.

  3. Select Remove to complete the deletion.

Wiki Management

To learn more about additional features and see how you can use the Wiki tool in your class, please see Blackboard's Wiki Help Page.




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