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    This article lays out the steps that instructors can follow to configure Honorlock in their class and enable it for any Blackboard-based exam.
    You can control when your course is private—or unavailable—to your students. For example, you may not want students to access your course while it is under construction.
    An index of common problems with YuJa (including regular recordings + proctoring recordings) and the recommended troubleshooting steps.
    Wikis allow all course members to help build pages of course-related materials, providing a space for collaborative learning. This article explains: how to create a new wiki page in any Blackboard course, wiki grading, and wiki deletion.
    Zoom is a cloud-based videoconferencing and collaboration platform. With Zoom you have the flexibility to create virtual classrooms and invite students to join from their desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Students can also share content from their devices such as PowerPoint presentations, and YouTube videos.  Zoom is available to all faculty, staff, and students for academic purposes.
    Instructors can set permissions to allow students to publish to a specific course in YuJa.
    Zoom breakout rooms are used to split meeting participants into separate groups for focused discussion. The meeting host may allow users to select and join their own room (and move freely between them, if desired).
    This article for students and instructors explains how users can choose which course's notifications they get, as well as the format they receive them in.
    Instructions for students and instructors: How to access the Course page and navigate to your courses in Blackboard, view information about your courses, search and filter courses by term and course role, and customize your view of the Course page using the settings.
    There are four core features of the Collaborate platform that help ensure a secure virtual classroom experience.  We recommend using as many of these options as you reasonably can without impacting your meeting operations. If you are discussing any sensitive or confidential information in your meetings, these measures become that much more important.
    In order for your Outlook calendar to sync with your Starfish calendar, the UND Starfish account must have access to your Outlook calendar and mailbox.  Submit a ticket to University IT and in this ticket, give permission to allow Starfish and Outlook to read each other. You can still use the Starfish calendar without this access; however, without it, your Starfish and Outlook calendars won’t sync with each other.
    In Microsoft Teams, you have the control to decide what notifications you receive, where you receive them, and how often you get them.