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In Blackboard, every gradable item has a corresponding column in the Grade Center. To delete columns, the matching items must also be deleted. Alternatively, instructors can temporarily hide columns from themselves (in the Full Grade Center) and/or from students (in My Grades). Please follow these steps to change column visibility.
Wikis allow all course members to help build pages of course-related materials, providing a space for collaborative learning. This article explains: how to create a new wiki page in any Blackboard course, wiki grading, and wiki deletion.
A guide to content management for YuJa users: upload content, edit existing content, manage available storage space (downloading & deleting content), and view storage quotas.
You can manage a variety of media content in the YuJa Platform. Management tools within Manage Media allow you to handle a variety of administrative tasks, including editing, sharing, deleting and publishing video content.
Audience: Instructors
How to identify and bulk download your videos and media currently housed on YuJa – archive on OneDrive or save locally for later use.
Steps to delete a grade in the Grade Center.
The item itself must be deleted from the Content Area. The column then will be removed automatically from the Grade Center.
Deleting a Column is a final action and cannot be undone.
To edit or delete an announcement, select Edit or Delete in its menu. The delete action is final and irreversible.
This article is a collection of how-to links for and and will be expanded upon if NDUS blocks other AI products
Use Teams on the desktop or web to delete files. Use SharePoint or OneDrive to recover them.
Steps to add/delete distribution list members in Outlook.