Knowledge Base

Categories (14)

Computers and Printing

Browse self-help articles to troubleshoot common issues with computers, devices or printing.

Teaching and Learning

UND offers a wide range of technologies for teaching and learning to meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students. The Instructional Design and Digital Learning office helps to connect faculty with the appropriate technology tools to promote collaboration, enhance communication, and share knowledge for both online and traditional instruction.

Accounts and Security

Get information on using your NDUS.identifier username and password as well as how to protect your account, devices and data.

Unified Communications

Desk, Softphone and cell phone information for university faculty and staff. Host a Webinar or Virtual Meeting.

Applications and Software

Learn about UND supported software and applications and find troubleshooting steps to resolve common issues.

Microsoft 365 and Email

Locate knowledge articles on how to use Microsoft 365 services including Outlook email, calendars, shared inboxes, TEAMs and OneDrive.

Internet and Wi-Fi

Find out how to connect to the UND wired and wireless networks, register your devices, or use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Classroom Support

Browse information about the technology available in classrooms and conference rooms and how to use it.

Professional Services

Discover other UND IT professional services available such as Makerspace Services and 3D Printing

File Storage and Servers

Learn about Office 365 cloud storage options like OneDrive, and TEAMs as well as shared drives and other alternative storage choices.

Web Services

Locate information related to the UND website, OmniUpdate, Wordpress blogs, and other web applications.

Purchasing and Procurement

Find out about software available to UND staff, faculty and students for discounted rates, or in some cases, free.

Assistive Technologies

Assistive technology is used to describe devices and services that lessen or remove barriers faced by persons with disabilities.

Artificial Intelligence

Learn about AI initiatives and technology at UND.

Articles (3)

Fall 2024 UIT Update

This is an expanded version of the 2024 UIT Fall update, notifying users of changes.

How Do I Get Tech Support or Contact UIT?

If you're wondering "where can I get tech help", "where is UIT", "where is the UIT help desk?", "when are you open", etc, this information should help.

Start a Chat with a Live UIT Support Agent

How to begin a chat session with a UIT live support agent.