Issues with Chrome Desktop Sharing Extension for First Time Users in Class Collaborate

If for some reason the Chrome Desktop Sharing Extension does not install automatically please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure Chrome is up to date: chrome://settings/help
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Open Chrome and download the extension from the chrome web store.
  4. Click Add to Chrome.
  5. Check that the Desktop Sharing extension is installed and on in chrome://extensions
  6. Try application sharing in Collaborate Ultra.

Additionally, users can search for the extension in the Google Chrome Extensions store: > check Extensions > search for Desktop Sharing.  Click the blue Add to Chrome button to add the extension. If the extension is already added in Chrome, you will see a blue Remove from Chrome button.

Check to see if the extension is already installed and/or enabled in Chrome by going to chrome://extensions.

Using an up-to-date version of the Mozilla Firefox browser can be used as a quick workaround if the Desktop Sharing extension is not installing.

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