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    This article provides the digital file retention policies and timelines for removing digital content.
    Class Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. Class Collaborate opens right in your browser, so you don't have to install any software to join a session.
    VoiceThread (digital presentation tool) for students: Learn about the different assignment types -and- how to complete them by: watching a presentation, creating one of your own, or commenting on another student's submission.
    To build a successful online community, students need the tools to interact and have conversations. Through conversation, we learn about each other, ourselves, the topic, how to get along, and make group decisions. Though time and geography limit some of our conversations, the power of the connection using varied conversation technologies build community.

    Students report that their satisfaction with online courses relates to instructor presence and the collaboration and sense of community the
    If you are using the Class Collaborate tool, you have one room dedicated to your course. It is open for the life of your course. You can't create new sessions.
    Steps for manually installing the Chrome Desktop Sharing Extension for Class Collaborate.
    There are four core features of the Collaborate platform that help ensure a secure virtual classroom experience.  We recommend using as many of these options as you reasonably can without impacting your meeting operations. If you are discussing any sensitive or confidential information in your meetings, these measures become that much more important.
    How to share your OneNote notes.
    Working in Microsoft Teams lets you work on files together at the same time. Also, messages about the document stay with it and will show up in your team conversations.