I know a student is enrolled in my course, but they cannot access it

Troubleshooting and recognizing the issue

  • Can the enrollment be confirmed in Campus Connection?

  • Has it been a full two days since the student enrolled in the course? Blackboard can take up to 48 hours to populate students into a course after enrolling.

  • In the Full Grade Center for the course, is there a greyed-out circle next to the student's name? 

Why does this happen?

This is a rare occurrence that sometimes happens when a student enrolls in a course, withdraws from that course, and then re-enrolls in the same course in a short period of time, especially at the beginning of a semester.

How to fix student access to the course

  1. Log into the course in Blackboard.
  2. In the left-side navigation, under Course Management,  select Users and Groups and then Users.
  3. Search by entering the student's information and select Go.
  4. Results will be listed below. Now hover over the students name and click the grey, round icon.
  5. This will open a menu to either Edit or Change User's Availability in Course. Select Change User's Availability in Course.
  6. On the next screen. select Yes from the drop down and then Submit.
  7. The student will now have access to the course.

What if this does not fix the issue?

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