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    Steps to enroll in Duo two-factor authentication. Users must be enrolled in Duo to log in to many UND services/systems, like email, BlackBoard, and Campus Connection.
    Student population into a Blackboard course after enrolling through Campus Connection is not an instantaneous process.  Batch enrollments are processed roughly every two hours between 6am and 6pm, Central Time, and can take about an hour to complete.  Processing times may vary during high enrollment windows.

    The timing of Blackboard access and course access may be different for Enroll Anytime (independent study) and non-credit courses as well as certain certificate programs.
    If you know a student is enrolled in your course but they do not see the course listed in the course list, they may have enrolled, dropped, and re-added the course in Campus Connection. This is how instructors can fix this issue and grant the student course access.
    Link to the NDUS System Status page and how to subscribe for email and text notifications.