Give feedback on graded items

  1. When you are in the grade center, find the specific assignment you wish to give feedback to. Click the dropdown arrow that appears when you hover over the grade. Select View Grade Details.
  2. This will take you to a new screen where you preform various actions related to the assignment and the grade assigned to it. You can also provide Feedback here. Select Edit Grade.
  3. For some items in the grade center, such as exams, the Edit Grade option is not there and to leave Feedback to Learner you must click on Manual Override where you can leave feedback but leave the grade box empty (unless you actually want to change their grade).
  4. After clicking Edit Grade (or Manual Override), multiple options will appear. You can change the grade, and you will also see an editor appear that reads Feedback to Learner. In this editor, you can put any feedback you wish the student to see. After you have provided any feedback you wanted, click Save to save the changes.​​​​​​​
  5. The Feedback will be displayed along with other information pertinent to the assignment, like the Date CreatedDate Submitted, ValueFeedback to Lerner, etc. 

NOTE:  When the Students view this information, it will display in their “My Grades Section” like it is displayed below. Simply click on the blue icon to see the feedback.    

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