Blackboard exam tips

Tips for Students - Taking Tests in Blackboard

Before Taking the Test

Prepare the Computer:

  • Use a compatible browser.
    • Google Chrome - This is the recommended browser for taking tests in Blackboard Learn (free download).
    • Mozilla Firefox - This is a good second choice. Some courses may require the use of Firefox for course work and assessments (free download).
    • Other browsers - Please avoid using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, if possible.
      Note: Please refer to your course syllabus or check with your instructor for more information about technology requirements.
  • Turn off pop-up blockers.
    • Pop-up blockers might block an exam from opening in Blackboard. Instructors have the option of opening exams within Blackboard or in a new window. If the exam is set to open in a new window, the browser might treat it as a pop-up.
    • Instructions to enable pop-ups are available in this article.
  • Add as a trusted site.
    • Make sure to add the domain as a trusted site in the browser’s security settings to ensure that content won’t be blocked.
  • Disable firewalls before taking the test if it is being taken on a computer or computer network that has a firewall installed.
  • Take a practice test.  
    • If the instructor has provided a practice test, make sure to access it before the start date of the test and on the computer from which the exam will be taken to provide sufficient time to fix any problems that may be discovered.

During the Test

  • Restart your computer before starting the test to refresh your system memory and improve system performance.
  • Close down all other programs running on the computer.
    • Do not take a test with several other applications running in the background, such as movies, music, e-mail, or anything that is not required for the test.
  • Sign directly into Blackboard Learn via
  • Set aside uninterrupted time in which to take the test. Most tests can only be accessed once.
  • Click only once on the link for the exam - do not double click or click on test link multiple times.
  • Read the instructions for the test carefully: Each Blackboard test may be set up differently by instructors. The options for each test will be listed at the top in the Instructions area. It is very important that the instructor's directions are read carefully.
    • Some tests may be taken more than once while others can only be taken once. Instructors will inform students if the test can be taken more than once.
    • Some tests may require that they be completed in one sitting (force completion), while some tests may allow completion of one section, and then return to finish additional sections.
    • Some tests may be timed. Instructors will advise if the test is timed and the time allotted.
    • Some tests are all-at-once assessments, allowing access to the entire test and the ability to move freely from item to item (permits backtracking). Some tests are one-at-a-time assessments, showing only one question per page without the ability to return to a previous question.
  • Once the quiz has begun, do not click the Back, Forward or Refresh button on the browser itself. This can cause a loss of session/connection, and you may also lose access to the test.
  • Once the test has started, do not re-size the browser window. They may cause Blackboard to reload the quiz, which could also lead to a "duplicate attempt" problem.
  • Only single-click the buttons found in the test (Begin, Save, Next Question, Save All Answers, if available) and Save and Submit.  Please note that your question responses should save automatically as you are working through the test. It might take a few seconds to process, so be patient. Clicking more than once can slow down the loading and cause test errors.
  • Essay Questions: It is a good idea to compose responses to longer essay questions in Microsoft Word, and then copy/paste each answer into the text box of the Blackboard essay test (if allowed). Please note that some formatting loss may occur, but a copy of the answer will still exist locally if any problems occur during the course of the test. 
  • Click the Submit button one time when finished with the test.
    • It may take several moments for the test to be submitted, so do not click Submit more than once. Once the test is submitted, Blackboard will display a confirmation message. You should also receive a Blackboard submission receipt message in your UND email account.
    • Note: Clicking the Save button will save the test but not submit it. Always use the Sign Out button to conclude sessions in Blackboard.

If You Have an Problem with the Test

Contact your instructor immediately: if you are locked out of a test during the allowed testing time, if a message is received saying that the test has already been completed, or if a message saying the test is still in progress is received. If the instructor resets the exam, Blackboard will clear all previous answers and the test must be started from the beginning. Only instructors can reset tests.

Take a screenshot of the error message. If any error message is received, take a screenshot of it for documentation purposes when contacting an instructor or submitting a support ticket.

After successfully submitting a test, you may check the My Grades page in Blackboard to view test scores. However, if the test contains question types other than multiple choice, true/false, or matching, then the it will need to be manually graded by the instructor before a grade will appear. Contact the instructor for details regarding grade availability.


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