Note: These requirements only apply to hand-written PDF exams taken with ProctorU Live for the College of Engineering & Mines. Please check the Blackboard course site and/or syllabus to determine the specific proctoring method used for your course.
A PDF Exam is a type of exam that is used when responses are required to be hand-written, such as answers containing long formulas and diagrams. The questions are completed using a touch-screen computer, along with a stylus or digital tablet. The PDF format is only used for Engineering assessments.
Students need to have the following equipment in order to take an online exam in written PDF format using ProctorU Live. Students must have this equipment ready and tested prior to taking the exam.
A touch-screen laptop, compatible with an active stylus, running Windows 10/11. The 'S-Mode' version of Windows is not supported, but you may be able to switch it off. An active stylus is required for writing directly on the laptop screen. It may be possible to use an external drawing pad that connects via USB (not Bluetooth), but this must be approved by the distance engineering department. The following systems are not compatible with ProctorU: Chromebook, iPad, and other tablets/mobile operating systems.
Please see ProctorU's Equipment Requirements page for more information about the minimum requirements and recommended computer/tech for successful online testing and proctoring.
An external web camera mounted on a tripod or gooseneck set up is required for proper range and zoom. The live proctor must be able to see your face and workspace while you are testing.
PDF Annotation Software
To write on the downloaded exam PDF, software capable of supporting screen-written annotations is required. Below is a list of recommended programs that may work for you.
- Drawboard PDF (free download)
- PDF Annotator
- Adobe Acrobat Reader - See detailed instructions for Adobe Acrobat Reader
- One Note
- PDF Touch
- Xodo
When taking a PDF style exam, make sure you save the file to your computer and then open it with your chosen PDF software (not in the browser). We do not recommend using the built in PDF editing tools within web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
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