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    Services or Offerings?
    Get help logging into Campus Connection, Blackboard, Microsoft (Office) 365 email, HRMS, UND Wireless Network, and almost all the other systems used at UND.

    The Zoom Health License can be applied to a UND Zoom account and modifies the account to enforce advanced security settings to ensure that any Zoom sessions that the license holder creates and hosts will be either meeting or exceeding HIPAA security guidelines.

    Report security concerns to the UIT Cybersecurity team for review.

    Submit an exemption from standard IT security or IT Asset Management policy.

    All NDUS Document Management/Imaging System, Perceptive Content (formerly ImageNow), WebNow, and Transform questions, issue reporting, or new development requests.

    Use this service offering to request an exemption from the North Dakota University System (NDUS) block on BitTorrent protocols.

    Use this service offering to request an exemption from End-point Security Software/Policy, such as Cortex, for UND computers.