Professional Services

Request other UND IT professional services like Technical Consultation, Project Requests, Digital Signage and 3D printing.

Services (12)

UIT Project Intake Form

UIT Project Intake Form

IT Governance Feedback

IT Governance ensures that the university's technology investments, risks, and resources are aligned with institutional goals

Makerspace Services Request

Makerspace services such 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and Engraving, Printed Circuit Board Milling, Wood CNC Milling, and Cricut Cutting are available to all UND students, faculty, and staff with a valid U Card.

Submit a Request for Technical Consultation/Advising

Faculty and Staff can discuss with Tech Support recommendations for new computers, software or peripherals for purchase, or start a dialogue around designing or using classroom and other Audio/Video room technology including Digital Signage.

Get Technical Event Assistance

Submit approval for events, browse the UND Zoom Event Hub, or request an online only Self-Service Zoom Webinar or get help with the platforms and equipment for a successful and engaging virtual, in-person or hybrid event with a UIT Managed Zoom Webinar.

Get Help with Digital Signage

Report an issue with digital signs, submit advertisements for display on the campus feed for UND digital signs or request content manager access/orientation for updating department and building digital signage content.

Computational Research Center Request

Request research accounts or request help within research computing environments.

Aviation Systems Support Request

Aerospace Faculty and staff, get help with your UND-owned desktop, laptop or peripheral.

Get Assistance with TeamDynamix

Report an issue with the TeamDynamix work management system, suggest process or function improvements or request additions or changes to User Access, Services, Forms, Workflows and more.

Library Systems Help Request

Get help accessing Chester Fritz Library's resources, such as articles, journals, or databases, or get assistance with library systems that provide access to local and remote information in support of teaching, learning, and research.

Academic Accessibility Assistance

UND provides qualified students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in all UND programs and activities.

Document Shredding Request

Schedule documents to be shredded according to records retention policies.