Library Systems Help Request


Get help accessing Chester Fritz Library's resources, such as articles, journals, or databases, or get assistance with library systems that provide access to local and remote information in support of teaching, learning, and research.


Submit a Request for Library Systems Help

  • Can't access a journal article or other online resource that UND subscribes to
  • Need help logging into the library proxy service
  • Unable to log in to library resources from off campus
  • Receive a proxy error after you logged in


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Request Library Systems Help

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If you are an off-campus student and would like to access resources that the Chester Fritz Library has subscribed to, follow these steps!
If you have attempted to log into our proxy service (usually when attempting to access articles, databases, or other online resources from the library) and failed five times, you will encounter an error and will be locked out of further attempts to log in.


Service ID: 28596
Thu 6/28/18 9:25 AM
Thu 2/15/24 8:24 AM