Access library articles and databases from off-campus

Visit the Chester Fritz Library's homepage to search for Library resources. Accesses articles, journals, and databases directly from the library homepage is the best way to obtain access to the items we subscribe to.

Articles, Online Books, and Other Online Resources

  1. On the Library homepage, use the search box to enter your search term. (You may search for all item types, only for items within the library, or only for online resources.)
  2. When you click on a resource the requires authentication (that is, something that is only available to UND students, faculty, and staff), you will be prompted* to enter your UND username and password to continue.

Specific (Known) Databases

  1. On the Library homepage, use the Quick Links search (using the orange button in the upper right of the search box) or visit the Databases A-Z page to find the specific database you are looking for.
  2. When you choose a database or resource that requires authentication, you will be prompted* to enter your UND username and password to continue.

Specific (Known) Journals

  1. On the Library homepage, click the Journal Title search tab within the Library search box.
  2. Enter the specific journal title in the search box and click "Go" to continue.
  3. The results will show you if we have access to that particular journal, the dates that we have access, and which databases or websites we currently maintain access through.
  4. Click on the result that you'd like to use, and if the database or website requires authentication, you will be prompted* to enter your UND username and password to continue.


* You will usually only be prompted to enter your username and password once per session. If you are searching for multiple items, you may only be prompted to authenticate your account for the very first item accessed.

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If you are unable to access Library resources online, please contact a librarian. You can find contact information on the Chester Fritz Library Ask Us page.

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Get help accessing Chester Fritz Library's resources, such as articles, journals, or databases, or get assistance with library systems that provide access to local and remote information in support of teaching, learning, and research.

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