Get training services for academic software.
Get help logging into Campus Connection, Blackboard, Microsoft (Office) 365 email, HRMS, UND Wireless Network, and almost all the other systems used at UND.
Get help with all things Blackboard related.
Blackboard instructors can request course merges, content imports, add/remove users from a course or organization, a new under development site, and a new organization site by submitting this completed form.
Blackboard Ultra is a new, modern, and easy-to-use interface of Blackboard. Instructor's may use these instructions to convert their Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 course to Ultra. A request may also be submitted to convert a course to Ultra, or to receive an under-development or “sandbox” Blackboard site to begin developing in the Ultra Course Experience.
Information on products and services used in creating video-based presentations like PowerPoint, VoiceThread and YuJa.
A Digital Media Instructional Designer aids faculty in generating and implementing more interactive and creative solutions for your learners’ needs. Examples include interactive media, such as videos, voices recordings, interactive learning modules.
Report an issue with Vevox polling, Q&A, Quizzes or request training on the Vevox platform.
Report issues, or submit feedback for the University of North Dakota's official mobile app.
Instructional designers assist faculty in course design, implementing effective teaching strategies and integration of academic technology into teaching and learning.
Get help with online tools used to facilitate online meetings and classroom experiences. Users can also use this request form to obtain a Zoom webinar license for an event.
If you are requesting a Zoom webinar license for an event that lasts longer than one day, please use the Additional Details field to outline the days required. Please note that the license is only available for a one week lease per request.
Get information on UND-licensed solutions for online tutoring and training such as Infobase and Brainfuse.
Get information and training on various research, statistical, and survey tools offered at UND.
Get Artificial Intelligence (AI) guidance for using AI at UND
Request help with TurningPoint Response Systems.
UND Digital Badging, powered by Credly, allows for users to showcase their accomplishments through simple, publicly shareable, interface that integrates into prominent platforms such as LinkedIn.
Users that intend to record their Zoom sessions to Zoom cloud storage will need to request it here each semester.
Note: Users only need to submit a request once per semester, regardless of how many courses they intend to use Zoom with.
The Zoom Health License can be applied to a UND Zoom account and modifies the account to enforce advanced security settings to ensure that any Zoom sessions that the license holder creates and hosts will be either meeting or exceeding HIPAA security guidelines.