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    Duo Security is the 2FA provider for UND. 2FA, or two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your NDUS/UND account. This article describes how to set up and use Duo with your NDUS/UND account, as well as tips and troubleshooting steps.
    University of North Dakota (UND) community travelers should limit the amount of sensitive information stored on or accessible to any device being used and taken on a trip. Travelers should avoid contact with the University of North Dakota network in general, specifically when traveling to high-risk countries (see U.S. State Department's Alerts and Warnings).
    Before traveling out of the country, remember to contact UND’s Export Control Manager (Michael Sadler; to ensure
    A complete guide to getting all your accounts and tech ready for your first semester at UND.
    A hardware token is a small key fob-like device with an internal passcode generator that can be associated with a two-factor (DUO) account. With the press of a button, it will generate and display a single-use passcode to complete the second step of a login.
    Do you need to work from home? Headed to a conference and need access to your work files? Self-quarantined for illness?