Search10 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Creating Digital Presentations
- YuJa
How to download and install the YuJa app for Mac, PC, and mobile devices.
- Knowledge Base
- Internet and Wi-Fi
Step-by-step instructions to join the recommended secure "UND Protected" Wi-Fi network from an Android phone or tablet device.
- Knowledge Base
- Internet and Wi-Fi
Step-by-step instructions show how to join the encrypted "UND Protected" wireless network.
- Knowledge Base
- Microsoft 365 and Email
Steps to add your UND email account to your mobile device using the official Outlook app.
- Knowledge Base
- Internet and Wi-Fi
Steps to disable private Wi-Fi MAC address for Android devices. Required to connect to UND Wi-Fi networks.
- Knowledge Base
- Computers and Printing
- uPrint
Steps to print to a uPrint printer from an Android device.
- Knowledge Base
- Internet and Wi-Fi
- Connect with VPN
Install and configure the GlobalProtect VPN app on your Android or Chrome OS device.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Blackboard
Information about the Blackboard app for mobile devices. This app uses Blackboard Ultra's Responsive Web Design to offer the same features as the desktop version of the website, making it easy to jump back and forth between mobile and desktop.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Online Collaboration/Meetings
- Zoom
Follow these steps to sign out of a personal (free) Zoom account — then sign back in using your UND (professional-level) account. This will allow you to access paid features, such as extended meeting times and higher meeting capacity.
- Knowledge Base
- Unified Communications
Steps to install the Avaya Cloud Office application on multiple operating systems.