Create a ProctorU Account or Sign-In to ProctorU

If this is your first time using ProctorU Single Sign-On

  1. Start from the ProctorU Single Sign-on page.  
  2. On the UND Sign in screen, use your same username and password that you use for Blackboard and click Sign in. 
    • ​​​​​​​Please note: If you have an older ProctorU account (non SSO), then you may be prompted with a question (Do you have a ProctorU account already?) You will only see this the first time you sign in. 
      • If you click Yes, you will be prompted to sign in with your current ProctorU username and password.  If ProctorU is able to match your email with an existing account, your accounts will be joined automatically.  If not, a new account will be created. 
      • If you do not think you have a ProctorU account or do not know your username/password, click No and a new account will be created for you.
      • Once signed in, your account will be created and you will be prompted to fill in your address, phone number, and details.  Note: Do NOT change the email address that prefills for your account.
  3. You should now be signed into your ProctorU account and the ProctorU extension.

If you already have a ProctorU Account

  1. Start from the ProctorU Single Sign-on page or click the ProctorU Single Sign-On link under the Exams menu item in your Blackboard course.
  2. If you are already signed into Blackboard, you should pass through to ProctorU without being asked to sign in again. 
  3. If prompted with the UND Sign in screen, use your same username and password that you use for Blackboard and click Sign in. 
  4. You should now be signed into your ProctorU account and the ProctorU extension.

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Article ID: 84787
Tue 8/13/19 12:38 PM
Mon 3/25/24 3:30 PM

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