Setting Up Proctored Exam Details in ProctorU using Blackboard Integration - Instructors

A number of proctoring alternatives are available to expand testing options and allow for more flexibility for online and on-campus courses. Learn more about these options. ProctorU Auto with Review is the standard option for proctoring. With this option, the session is recorded and then reviewed by ProctorU after the session is completed. ProctorU Live+ (proctored by a live ProctorU proctor) will continue to be an available option with Chair and Dean approval.

ProctorU is available for students at no additional charge. Information for students can be found at

Get Started with ProctorU

  1. Create your ProctorU Account
    • Sign in here to create your account. 
      1. On the sign-in screen, use your same username and password that you use for Blackboard and click Sign in.  
      2. Once signed in, your account will be created and you will be prompted to fill in your address, phone number, and details.  Note: Do NOT change the email address that prefills for your account. 
    • You should now be signed in to your ProctorU account and the ProctorU extension. 
  2. Install the ProctorU browser plug-in - This is needed in order for the ProctorU Exam Facilitator Journey tool to work with Blackboard
  3. Sign-in to ProctorU -
    • Sign in using UND's Single Sign-On for ProctorU to manage your account and use the Blackboard integration for adding exams.
      • If you have previously signed into ProctorU through Blackboard (under Tools>ProctorU), this option is no longer available.  All users should now sign in using the UND Single Sign-On process.
      • Note: Do NOT sign in by clicking the Login option on the ProctorU extension installed for your web browser or you will not be signed in through your UND single sign-on account.
  4. If you are not able to sign in or do not appear to have the faculty role for your account, please contact TTaDA at 701-777-2129 or by email for assistance.

Password-Protect and Set Dates for your Exam 

After creating your exam in Blackboard, follow the steps below adjust the Test Options for your exam.

  1. Make sure you are going to (do NOT use
  2. Add an exam within a folder by clicking Assessments > Test. Create a new test or select an existing test and click Submit. Click here to learn more about creating tests in Blackboard.
  3. Locate your exam link in Blackboard and select Edit the Test Options for your new exam. 
    • Under the test description text box area, change Open Test in New Window to Yes.  Note: This is a new step after the Blackboard UBN update.  If this is not done, students will need to reload the exam and ProctorU sign on pages in order to get the integration to work correctly.
    • Under Test Availability, check the box for "Make available to students". (The exam will still only be available during the dates that you set in the exam availability area). 
    • Determine if you would like to add Multiple Attempts.  Doing so will allow students to complete the exam more than once, but since it is password protected the student would still need to be with the proctor and you would see time stamps for each attempt.  Allowing at least one additional attempt may be helpful if the exam is accidentally submitted prematurely.  If selected, determine scoring for the attempts.
    • It is advised to NOT use the Force Completion option. Checking the Force Completion option means that if a student is kicked out of the exam, the exam will be automatically submitted and you will need to be contacted by the student and/or ProctorU to allow the student access to the exam again. Consider leaving this option unchecked if the student will be with a proctor and the exam is already password protected.
    • Check the box next to Set Timer and enter the exam time limit in minutes.  This will determine the length of time for ProctorU, so please set it to be a reasonable time (not 4 hours, etc.).  If you wish to allow students to go over the time limit, but be notified that they exceeded the time, then do not select the Auto-Submit option.  The Auto-Submit option will submit the exam when the time expires and the student will not be able to get access to the exam again.
    • Set the exam availability dates (using the Display After and Display Until options) for when you would like students to be able to access and take the exam.  These same dates will be brought over to ProctorU.
    • Check the Password box. Type a unique password.  This password will only be visible by ProctorU. 
    • If you have students who need to take the exam outside the regular exam window or who will receive additional time due to an accessibility accomodation, please set the test availability exception for those students.
    • Set the other options you desire, such as feedback settings (what students see after submitting their exam)
  4. Click Submit.

Use the ProctorU Exam Facilitator Journey Tool to send exam details to ProctorU

  1. You must have the ProctorU extension installed for your browser (see step 2 above) AND be signed into ProctorU (step 3).
  2. Go to (do NOT use
  3. Navigate to your Blackboard course and the location where your exam is deployed. Use the browser Reload button or right-click anywhere on the page and select Reload to reload both the Blackboard page and the ProctorU sign on page. This step is required after the Blackboard UBN update.  If not done, you will not see the ProctorU Owl icon.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow to the right to select Edit Test Options.
  5. Within the Test Options screen, you should see the ProctorU Settings icon (blue owl) in the lower right corner.  If you do not see the ProctorU Settings icon, try highlighted steps above to reload ProctorU and Blackboard windows.  Make sure you have the ProctorU browser extension installed (must use Firefox or Chrome) and that you are signed in.  There have been some issues reported with Firefox, so please try Chrome if you are using Firefox and do not see the Owl Icon shown below. Follow steps 2-3 above to verify these settings.
  7. Select Get Started to begin entering your exam information to be sent to ProctorU
  8. Select the appropriate service (Live+ or Auto)  and follow the steps below.

Setting Up an Exam for Auto with Review ProctorU Service Level

  1. Select Auto (Automated Proctoring) as the Proctoring Service, then click Continue.
  2. The exam duration (time limit) and exam window (availability dates) and exam password will be pulled automatically from Blackboard. ProctorU will automatically generate a random password if no password is entered.  Please Note - Exam passwords should not be given to students.  The password will automatically be entered when the student initiates the exam with ProctorU a starts the exam and have for the student to allow them to start the exam at the time of their appointment.
  3. For the Exam Security Level, select Recommended OR review and adjust Exam Security Guidelines. 
  4. To allow resources during your exam, click the toggle button next to Test Taker Resources and select the resources you would like to allow.  Selecting certain resources will automatically adjust the appropriate Exam Security Guidelines. 
  5. Under Allow Websites, you may enter URLs for specific websites that you would like to allow students access to during the exam.  When the exam begins, the student will not have access to websites other than Blackboard unless you have entered the URL here.
  6. Add any Additional Exam Notes.  This is visible by the proctor only and can be used to add information regarding students who have DSS accommodations for additional time.  If you have not done so already, you would also need to add a test availability exception for the student in Blackboard for timed exams.
  7. Click Save & Continue.
  8. Your contact information should pre-fill.  Add a phone number and any notes and click Continue.
  9. Select Test Taker Start Notifications if you would like to be notified when students start their exams and add Incident Report Notifications to add contacts for incident reports (they should automatically come to you), then click Continue.
  10. Review your Exam settings and click Save and Return to LMS.  You should now see a notification that the exam has been set up with ProctorU.
  11. Your exam is now ready for students to complete during the test availability dates.  Please note, students will not need to schedule an exam appointment. Instead, they will log into ProctorU and click the Blackboard exam link and will follow the prompts to begin the exam.  The exam password will automatically be entered by the ProctorU integration.  

Setting Up an Exam for Live+ ProctorU Service Level

  1. Select Live+ (Live Proctoring) as the Proctoring Service, then click Continue.
  2. The exam duration (time limit) and exam window (availability dates) and exam password will be pulled automatically from Blackboard. Check to make sure they match and then click Continue.  Please Note - Exam passwords should not be given to students.  The ProctorU proctor will enter the password for the student to allow them to start the exam at the time of their appointment.
  3. For the Exam Security Level, select Recommended OR choose the resources you would like to allow students to use during the exam.  Click Save & Continue.
  4. Your contact information should pre-fill.  Add a phone number and any notes and click Continue.
  5. Select Optional settings, such as to be notified when students start their exams and add contacts for incident reports (they should automatically come to you), then click Continue.
  6. Review your Exam settings and click Save and Return to LMS.  You should now see a notification that the exam has been set up with ProctorU.
  7. In order to complete the submission of your exam to ProctorU, you must also click Submit on the test in Blackboard.


If you need to make changes to your exam or have any issues, please contact the ProctorU instructor support hotline at 1-855-772-8678 (option 2).

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Article ID: 84580
Thu 8/8/19 4:12 PM
Thu 4/18/24 12:39 PM

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ProctorU Instructor Support Hotline
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