Students: How to Create a Blog Entry in Blackboard


To create an entry in a Blackboard Blog:

  1. Log in to Blackboard and navigate to the desired course. Open the course's blog page: click 'Tools' in the course menu, then select 'Blogs' -or- use any blog link provided by your instructor elsewhere in the course, such as in the main course menu, or inside of a lesson folder.
    A screenshot of a Blackboard course, with circles/arrows pointing to the blog links.
  2. Depending on the type of link you used, you may: be taken directly to a specific blog page automatically -or- need to select the desired blog from the Blogs list.
    A screenshot of a Blackboard course, with arrows pointing to the specific blog pages listed under the Blog tool.
  3. On the next page, in the top-left, click 'Create Blog Entry' to open the blog editor.
    A screenshot of a Blackboard course, with the 'Create Blog Entry' button circled in red.
  4. On the editor page, create a new blog entry. You can add a title, compose text, and add images, and attach files (optional). Then, click the 'Post Entry' button (in the bottom-right corner of the page) to save and publish -or- click 'Save Entry as Draft' to save without publishing, so you may continue to work on the entry at a later time.
    A screenshot of a Blackboard course's 'Create Blog Entry' page, with arrows pointing to the editable title and main body message fields, and to the 'Post Entry' button.
  5. After clicking the 'Post Entry' button, you will be returned to the main Blog page, where a success message will appear. The content that you just created will be published, making it available to other users of the blog.
    A screenshot of a Blackboard course's blog page, containing the recently created post.



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