Update the owner/subscriber LISTSERV email address

Please Note! The LISTSERV system is not maintained by UIT. NDUS Core Technology Services operates and provides support for its users. LISTSERV FAQ

Subscriber Email

  1. Send an email to listserv@listserv.nodak.edu from the old email address.  (If you do not have access to the old email account, you must contact the list owner or LISTSERV administrator.)
  2. Leave the Subject blank.
  3. Choose one of these options for adding text to the body of the message.
    • To change all subscribed lists type in change * newemailaddress.\To change a single list type in change listname newemailaddress.
  4. A message will then be sent to the new email address requesting confirmation with a link to click on for each list they are a member of.
  5. You will then need to log into Subscriber's Corner.
  6. You may need to register a new password for the new address by clicking on get a new LISTSERV password.
  • If registering a new password, once it is registered click on the confirmation link again and login.
  1. Once logged into Subscriber's Corner, it should tell you it has been confirmed and the change will be made.

 List Owner

To add/change an owner, moderator or editor e-mail address:

  1. In a browser, go to http://listserv.nodak.edu.
  2. Click on the List Owner Management link on the top.
  • The e-mail address that should be used is the old address, this is the address that will be associated as the owner of a list.
  • If you do not have or know your LISTSERV password, click on the "get a new LISTSERV password" link. Again, this should be the old e-mail address. An e-mail will be sent to the old e-mail address, click on the link in the e-mail message to activate the password.
  1. To log in: in the E-Mail address field, enter your old e-mail address; in the Password field, enter your LISTSERV password.
  2. Click List Management > List Dashboard. This will take you to the List Management page. Click Configure below the name of the list.
  3. Select List Maintenance. Here you will find the Editors, Moderators, Owners and Quiet Owners.
  • For each of these areas, we recommend that where there is an old e-mail address, that the new e-mail address be placed directly below it. The old address can be removed later.
  1. After updating the e-mail addresses, click Save to save the changes.
  • If you use the LISTSERV web interface to manage your list, you should request a new password for your new address.
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