Navigate to Group settings in Outlook for the web
- Log into your UND email in a web browser and select Outlook to go to your inbox.

- In the top-right corner, select the Settings icon.
- Click View all Outlook settings at the bottom of the Setting menu.

- In the pop out menu, select Mail and then Groups.

Navigate to...
To edit the properties of a distribution group, you must be an owner of the group.
Join or leave a distribution group
Use Join or leave a distribution group to see and manage the distribution groups you’re a member of.
To join a distribution group:
Follow directions above and select Distribution groups I belong to.
Select Join.
In the dialog box, select the group you want to join. You can search for a group by typing all or part of its name in the search window, and then selecting the search icon. To clear the search results, select Clear.
Select the group you want to join.
Select Join.
To leave a distribution group:
Follow directions above and select Distribution groups I belong to.
Select the distribution group you want to leave.
Select Leave.
Create and manage distribution groups
Create and manage distribution groups shows the distribution groups that you’re listed as an owner of. Use it to create new groups and manage existing groups that you own.
To create a new group:
Follow directions above and select Distribution groups I own.
Select New .
In the dialog box, add the information needed to create your distribution group.
Select Save.
To edit a group or review information about a group:
Follow directions above and select Distribution groups I own.
In the dialog box, select the group you want to edit. You can search for a group by typing all or part of its name in the search window, and then selecting the search icon. To clear the search results, select Clear .
Select Edit .
Make the changes you want.
Select Save to save your changes, or Cancel to leave without saving.
To delete a group that you own, find it in the list and select Delete.
Control who can send to a distribution group
After you’ve created a group, you can edit it to control who can send messages to it. By default, only people inside your organization can send to distribution groups in your organization’s address book.
To determine who can send to your group:
Follow directions above and select Distribution groups I own.
Select the distribution group that you want to change the settings for.
Select Edit .
Select Delivery management.
Choose the delivery management settings.
Select Save to save your changes, or Cancel to leave without saving.
Set up a moderated distribution group
Messages sent to a moderated distribution group can be screened by a group moderator before being sent to all members of the group. If you own a group, you can set up moderation rules for the group.
To configure a moderated distribution group:
Follow directions above and select Distribution groups I own.
Select the distribution group that you want to make a moderated group.
Select Edit.
Select Message approval.
Choose the message approval settings you want and add group moderators.
Select Save to save your changes, or Cancel to leave without saving.
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