Applications and Software

Get help or report issues with UND supported software and applications, library systems, and software installation/troubleshooting.

Categories (1)

Academic Software and Applications

Get assistance with software specific to the needs of faculty and students.

Services (14)

Get Help with Software and Applications

Report issues with university supported software and applications or request installation or configuration assistance.

Get Help with Wasp (AssetCloud)

Report an issue with the WASP (AssetCloud) inventory software, request access or get assistance using the system to track inventory.

Get Assistance with GlobalProtect Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Report an issue with the GlobalProtect VPN solution, or request help installing or using the VPN to access campus specific resources.

Get Help with DocuSign

Report an issue with DocuSign, or request additional functions or access permissions.

Document Imaging Help (Perceptive Content)

All NDUS Document Management/Imaging System, Perceptive Content (formerly ImageNow), WebNow, and Transform questions, issue reporting, or new development requests.

Get Assistance with TeamDynamix

Report an issue with the TeamDynamix work management system, suggest process or function improvements or request additions or changes to User Access, Services, Forms, Workflows and more.

Get Assistance with UND Labs Anywhere (Apporto)

Report an issue with the UND Labs Anywhere (Apporto) Cloud Desktop Solution, or request additional Applications or Virtual Labs.

Get Assistance with Starfish

Get help with services to support Starfish, a tool available to advisors, instructors, and staff to support students.

Library Systems Help Request

Get help accessing Chester Fritz Library's resources, such as articles, journals, or databases, or get assistance with library systems that provide access to local and remote information in support of teaching, learning, and research.

Get Assistance with Polling and Q&A (Vevox)

Report an issue with Vevox polling, Q&A, Quizzes or request training on the Vevox platform.

Aviation Information Management System (AIMS)

Get help with AIMS, the computerized record keeping system used by the Aerospace program.

Zoom Cloud Storage Request

Users that intend to record their Zoom sessions to Zoom cloud storage will need to request it here each semester.

Note: Users only need to submit a request once per semester, regardless of how many courses they intend to use Zoom with.

Zoom Health License Request (HIPAA Compliant)

The Zoom Health License can be applied to a UND Zoom account and modifies the account to enforce advanced security settings to ensure that any Zoom sessions that the license holder creates and hosts will be either meeting or exceeding HIPAA security guidelines.

Submit your AI Questions

Get Artificial Intelligence (AI) guidance for using AI at UND